Sentence example with the word 'suggestiveness'


Last update: September 28, 2015


This work, described by one of his friends as " a miracle of boldness," is full of originality and suggestiveness, but its publication awakened against him a storm of theological prejudice, which followed him more or less through life.   [Please select]


SuggestiveThe second quality of literature is its suggestiveness, its appeal to our emotions and imagination rather than to our intellect.   [Please select]


Not even Milton's "Il Penseroso," which it strongly suggests, excels it in beauty and suggestiveness.   [Please select]


They feel very certainly much more deeply the suggestiveness of a scene.   [Please select]


They do not blend picturesquely with the background, and do not depend on their suggestiveness for their character.   [Please select]


Familiarly then came back to Dale the quiet, intent suggestiveness of the Beemans in moments foreboding trial.   [Please select]


It was only in proportion to this higher suggestiveness that a startling situation ever seemed to him fit subject for poetry.   [Please select]

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suggestively - suggestiveness - suggests