Fore wings with a broad, submarginal, upright, white band, which is much narrower hindward, and is intersected by the black veins. [Please select]
Fore wings with eight wedge-shaped luteous streaks, of which three are near the base, two subcostal, two hindward, and one submarginal and transverse. [Please select]
Anterior wings with submarginal cells incomplete or wanting; stingless social bees 29. [Please select]
The wings with one marginal and three submarginal cells, and one recurrent nervure. [Please select]
The anterior wings with two submarginal cells and two recurrent nervures. [Please select]
First submarginal cross-nervure: Hymenoptera; part of the media and the radio-medial cross vein (Comst.) [Please select]
Submarginal area: of secondaries, lies between the costal margin and the 1st strong vein. [Please select]
This, which measures about 6 by 4 feet, with the exception of a tear at one corner is perfectly sound and pliant and has a large submarginal stripe running around it. [Please select]
Submargin -al: an imaginary portion of a surface outside of the disk and within the margin: a line is submarginal when it is well within the margin but close to it. [Please select]
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