Sentence example with the word 'studiously'


Last update: June 22, 2015


Contra unanimum consensum patrum ipsam scripturam sacram inter pretari audeat) is studiously moderate, and yet it seems to rule that under certain circumstances it is not permitted to the Church of later times to carry the science of biblical interpretation beyond the point which it had reached at the end of the patristic period.   [Please select]


This man expresses what all sensible rulers think, but studiously conceal.   [Please select]


You will hear at once how studiously the Caesar distinguishes him.   [Please select]


Also there was the fact that Blood, himself, had kept almost studiously from intruding upon them.   [Please select]


Hillard was dreaming and Merrihew was studiously employed over a booklet on _How to Speak Italian in One Day_.   [Please select]


His lordship was slightly moved out of an imperturbability that he had studiously cultivated.   [Please select]


I saw the long lashes drooped above her dark eyes, as she bent over studiously.   [Please select]

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studious - studiously - studiousness