Sentence example with the word 'stippled'


bespangled, dotted, flecked, freckled, maculate, peppered, pocky, polka-dot, specked, speckly, spotted, studded

Definition adj. having a pattern of dots

Last update: June 20, 2015


On the map of Germany (1:Ioo,000) a slope of 50° is shown in solid black while stippled hachures are used for gentle slopes up to 100.   [Please select]


He could see the long white marl road, bending in a broad curve between clover-stippled meadows, to skirt the willow-green bluff above the river.   [Please select]


Outside the car window was a glaze of darkness stippled with the gold of infrequent mysterious lights.   [Please select]


The stippled area contains suitable habitat for the brush mouse, but was not investigated.   [Please select]


Stippled areas show those slopes and hilltops now wooded seemingly as a result of recent reinvasion, that probably were bluestem prairie earlier.   [Please select]


All about her the foam-stippled water glowed with points of phosphorescence, as though a thousand ghostly lanterns were afloat.   [Please select]


Bruce's snowy chest and black-stippled coat were fluffed out by many recent baths.   [Please select]

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stipple - stippled - stippling