Sentence example with the word 'springtime'


Definition n. the season of growth

Last update: October 26, 2015


The blossoms on the trees look lovely in the springtime.   [Please select]


An unusual number of people were enjoying the unseasonable weather, spending the last few hours out of doors; fathers playing catch with sons, youngsters riding trikes or skipping rope, and others content to just drink in the springtime evening.   [Please select]


It was like the springtime of my love.   [Please select]


Many things came with the full tide of the springtime--innumerable flowers and voices, the flowers filled with glowing color, the voices with music and delight.   [Please select]


In the early springtime of the world, when birds were first made, none of them--except Mother Magpie--knew how to build a nest.   [Please select]


In springtime in the Zoological Park we often see similar exhibitions of crane play in our large crane paddock.   [Please select]


Springtime they'd sing like girls in the organ loft, and by August they were about ready to hire out for bass.   [Please select]


But we know they come in the springtime, and right glad are we to hear their voices.   [Please select]

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springtide - springtime - springy