Sentence example with the word 'springboard'


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Definition n. a flexible board for jumping upward

Last update: June 18, 2015


The accompanying sketch shows the method of constructing a springboard that does not depend upon the bending of the wood for its spring.   [Please select]


"I'm going out on the springboard," August Stout announced, stepping cautiously out on the board from which good swimmers dived.'   [Please select]


Early in the performance a series of flying leaps from a springboard, in which all the acrobats took part, was introduced.   [Please select]


It was the custom to place first one elephant, then a second, and finally a third, in front of the springboard.   [Please select]


First of all, there was a simple somersault from the springboard.   [Please select]


Then she produced a hoop, which she made Hinpoha hold while she dove through it, forward and backward, from the high springboard.   [Please select]


Some were diving from the pier, and one stood on a high springboard.   [Please select]


Besides the diving tower, there was a floating dock anchored out in midstream, having a springboard at either end.   [Please select]


We went down to the old water hole where the springboard is, and some cloze was sitting the bank.   [Please select]


I've done the like from a springboard when in swimming, but I never would have believed anybody'd have the nerve to loop the loop three thousand feet up in the air.   [Please select]


When Undine also went off the highest springboard backward, and in addition turned a complete somersault before she touched the water, Sahwah realized that she had met her match, if not her master.   [Please select]

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springald - springboard - springbok