Sentence example with the word 'specified'


Definition adj. clearly and explicitly stated

Last update: October 22, 2015


But it was no more a chantry than the other colleges, all of which, like the monasteries and collegiate churches, were to pray for their founders' and other specified souls.   [Please select]


She specified that no one school of medicine should dictate the policy of the hospital as regards the treatment of patients.   [Please select]


Specified duties were laid upon sugar, indigo, calico, silks, and many other commodities imported into the colonies.   [Please select]


In the valises were crowded underclothing, shirts, handkerchiefs, and the articles that have been already specified.   [Please select]


"If the money isn't claimed inside the time you specified, I would let Leon and Mr."   [Please select]


Various breaches of the peace and attacks upon citizens while in the discharge of their duties, specified as follows: 1.   [Please select]


Long ago the natives had been warned to move, and the banks of the lake-to-be specified.   [Please select]


[1] In the Rules published by the British Association, the 12th edition, (1766,) is specified, but I am informed by Mr.   [Please select]


He dictated: "On birch brush-backs of the model specified, we can furnish you any number up to."   [Please select]


Other breeds are specified by Zollinger in the 'Journal of the Indian Archipelago' volume 5 page 343 etc.   [Please select]


The aforesaid Hardage, on account of long intimacy with the specified Crane, hopes that she (Crane) will not object to riding alone at night in a one-horse rockaway with no side curtains.   [Please select]

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specifics - specified - specifies