Sentence example with the word 'specialised'


Definition adj. developed or designed for a special activity or function

Last update: September 14, 2015


He seems to have been a student at the University of Pavia where he specialised in mathematics and geometry.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, the specialised behaviour of the migrants furnished a clue, and pointed out the direction which further inquiry ought to take.   [Please select]


In Germany the nation was militarised, in England the army was specialised.   [Please select]


Britling dwelt upon this idea of the specialised character of the British army and navy and government.   [Please select]


It touched the ordinary social body chiefly through three other specialised bodies, the court, the church, and the stage.   [Please select]


She's a specialised woman, specialising in womanhood, her sphere is the home.   [Please select]


Notwithstanding the shortness of the hedgehog's spines, he is the most highly specialised of all spine-bearing animals.   [Please select]


Mistress Mary, I am not sure but that, in self-defence, we ought to become a highly specialised _Something_.   [Please select]


Good and evil, like time, are, it would seem, not general or fundamental in the world of thought, but late and highly specialised members of the intellectual hierarchy.   [Please select]


It still remains to explain how and when this general legend of rash action was localised and specialised at Bedd Gelert: I believe I have discovered this.   [Please select]

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specialise - specialised - specialises