Sentence example with the word 'skimmings'


Last update: September 19, 2015


Of the furnace must be so% greater than that of the kettle into which the softened lead is tapped, as the dross and skimmings formed amount to about so% of the weight of the lead charged.   [Please select]


"Yes," said the agricultural editor, "and it's the meanest bug- juice in town--regular sorghum skimmings."   [Please select]


Lynde says that her father is a perfect old crank, and meaner than second skimmings.   [Please select]


She was too bad-tempered, and as mean as second skimmings besides.   [Please select]


(_f_) The skimmings and very dilute latex, coagulated with excess of acid.   [Please select]


(2) A pale rubber (often streaked) obtained by coagulation of the skimmings from the surface of the No.   [Please select]


_--In this it is proposed to include cup-coagulated lumps, coagulated lumps from transport vessels, skimmings, bucket rinsings, cup-washings, and tree-scrap.   [Please select]


The skimmings are sometimes placed in pans and subsequently made into a second grade of sheet rubber, or they receive treatment with a small proportion of sodium bisulphite and eventually appear as fine pale crepe.   [Please select]

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skimming - skimmings - skimp