Sentence example with the word 'secedes'


Last update: June 11, 2015


, killed Georgia, secedes; beginning of war in; effective for South (1864); Sherman threatens; scene of action; Sherman's March to the Sea Getty, General G.   [Please select]


Florida, discovered; a British possession; East and West; a Spanish possession; purchased; a territory; admitted; secedes; readmitted.   [Please select]


Louisiana, La Salle in; extent of; French in; struggle for; Spanish; purchased; admitted; boundary; secedes; reconstructs government; readmitted.   [Please select]


Georgia, settled; in colonial times; annexed territory; conquered; cedes land to Congress; secedes; Sherman's march through; again in the Union; Germantown, battle of.   [Please select]


, at Fort Fisher Texas, State militia seize army posts; General Twiggs surrenders posts; secedes; contraband enters; Red River Expedition; last shots fired in Thomas, General G.   [Please select]

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seceders - secedes - seceding