During the rutting-season male camels become exceedingly savage and dangerous, uttering a loud bubbling roar and engaging in fierce contests with their fellows. [Please select]
In what month does the rutting take place among the wild cattle. [Please select]
Bucks in the rutting season sometimes seem to go crazy, and often they attack men, wantonly and dangerously. [Please select]
He reported also that the rutting season this year had commenced a little later than the usual October 15. [Please select]
At the rutting season, which commences about mid-October, the bucks become very poor and thin. [Please select]
Yet their flesh was so musky and unpalatable, in consequence of the rutting season, that it had not been devoured. [Please select]
In the rutting season the does are naturally in the lead, the bucks following them. [Please select]
_Reproduction_ By the time the rutting season arrived in mid-October, there were comparatively few Caribou left in the Windy River area. [Please select]
The two, probably, had never seen each other before; but in rutting season all caribou bulls are enemies at sight. [Please select]
Besides, after the rutting season is over, the rams grow cross, frequently striking the pregnant ewes dangerous blows with their heavy horns, at the racks and troughs. [Please select]
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