The tourists were left below and Dean was alone save the sounds of nature on the rocky rutted path as his Jeep's tires clawed upward. [Please select]
Unfallen Adam rode and not rutted. [Please select]
But to "hike" along a deep-rutted, pebbly lane in frail, silver-hued slippers with high French heels, is not an exhilarating performance. [Please select]
There was rutted sand and lumpy, knee-high grease wood in our short cut. [Please select]
"It's just STAYING, that's what," she said as she stepped along the deep-rutted, grassy lane bordered with wild rose bushes. [Please select]
Before them, and behind, ran the rutted road, hard and gleaming. [Please select]
"Now, it all depends on whether his wife is home or not," said Diana, as they jolted along a deep-rutted lane. [Please select]
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