(X 300.) by a nervure and traversed by two A, With " bladder," b, longitudinal nervures, or the nervuration protruded; B, retracted, may be altogether degenerated. [Please select]
When satisfied she retracted her trunk, and the bees again closed up the opening with wax. [Please select]
It spontaneously retracted into the lentil, like the horns of a snail. [Please select]
The only hard part introduced by the male, was the short cylindrical point which retracted into the lentil, when we separated it. [Please select]
But today this imperfect homage is retracted, and nothing is reverenced except that which gives strength. [Please select]
In the upper sketch the claw is retracted or sheathed; in the lower it is protruded as in the act of striking. [Please select]
Orders were given, orders were retracted and given again, and then again retracted. [Please select]
In case the end of the bleeding artery has retracted, a sharp-pointed hook, called a tenaculum, is used to draw it out far enough to tie. [Please select]
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