Sentence example with the word 'reprehend'


accuse, arraign, cast blame upon, complain against, cry out on, denunciate, indict, rap, reproach, set straight, take down

Definition v. express strong disapproval of

Last update: September 26, 2015


From this point of view, he found much to reprehend in the conduct of his own countrymen.   [Please select]


Several satires of the second book reprehend the contempt of the rich, for men of science and genius.   [Please select]


Are they not rather to be reprehended, whether I am a Chinaman or not.   [Please select]


The white men, waxing angry, slew the envoys--an evil deed which their own color in Maryland and in Virginia reprehended and repudiated.   [Please select]


It may be that this is sometimes so, nor can such neglect be too severely reprehended; yet this is by no means a necessary result.   [Please select]


Once graduated to the dining-room, any reversion to such tactics must be firmly reprehended, and the child should understand that continued offense means a return to the nursery.   [Please select]

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repotting - reprehend - reprehended