Sentence example with the word 'repartees'


Last update: June 7, 2015


"Hush, hush, gentlemen," said Claverhouse, "these are untimely repartees."   [Please select]


Maggie could make smart repartees, and Miss Heath could parry her graceful young adversary's home thrusts with excellent effect.   [Please select]


Thomas Manners, first Earl of Rutland, drew one of the best repartees ever made from Sir Thomas More, then Lord Chancellor.   [Please select]


A few moments later, three steaming cups of coffee were served, and topped off a substantial breakfast, which was additionally seasoned by the jokes and repartees of the guests.   [Please select]


The upper hall was filled with merry groups and resounded with "good-nights" as the women mounted the great staircase, pausing to fling back final repartees, or to confirm plans for the morrow.   [Please select]

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repartee - repartees - repartition