Sentence example with the word 'remonstrate'


admonish, charge, demonstrate, enter a protest, frighten off, issue a caveat, object, protest, show fight, strike, yell bloody murder

Definition v. argue in protest or opposition

Last update: June 10, 2015


We remonstrated with the man about his misbehaviour. .   [verb]


Sc. 4) causes the queen to remonstrate, in reply to her lady's suggestion of a game at bowls to relieve her ennui, "'Twill make me think the world is full of rubs, and that my fortune runs against the bias."   [verb]


On the pilgrims, against which the Papacy had already been forced to remonstrate; nor were the Italian towns, with the exception of favoured Venice, disposed to be friendly to the great monopolist city of Constantinople.   [verb]


You used to let me stay with you--even when you was busy," Henriette remonstrated, dejectedly, as the sonorous oak door closed against her."   [verb]


"You are forgetting your winnings," remonstrated the lady, pointing to the pile of gold.   [verb]


Danville, even your prejudice cannot deny London fine gentlemen and wits," remonstrated Sir Ralph."   [verb]


"From my Lord Rochester I expect nothing but pot-house buffoonery; but I take it vastly ill on your part, George, to join in making me a laughing-stock," remonstrated Lady Sarah.   [verb]


"I remonstrated with Mr."   [verb]


"You do wrong to slander that royal lady," remonstrated Angela.   [verb]


"Henriette, you are an ill-bred child to call your master so rude a name," remonstrated her mother, languidly.   [verb]


The young traveller remonstrated against his liberality, and only acquiesced in deference to his years and respectability.   [verb]

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remonstrants - remonstrate - remonstrated