Sentence example with the word 'rearranging'


Last update: August 11, 2015


He could guess what Dusty was pissed about, and it didn't have anything to do with women or rearranging his sectors.   [Please select]


Carefully they picked their way between groups of genuine refugees rearranging their meagre possessions in the coaches.   [Please select]


Audrey moved around the little room, adjusting chairs, rearranging the flowers that had poured in on New-year's day, brushing the hearth.   [Please select]


Uncle Ben, in the highest spirits, was darting here and there behind the wings, giving directions, gesticulating, ordering, rearranging.   [Please select]


Stopping well within it, she stooped and began rearranging the mufflers on the hoofs.   [Please select]


She went back to the corner, dully rearranging the coat he had given her for comfort.   [Please select]


When I came upon her she was sitting on the shattered door of one of the carriages, calmly rearranging her hat.   [Please select]


In creating he selects from the infinite variety of sounds whose images exist in his mind, and, rearranging them, produces new effects.   [Please select]


Trimble, the stage-manager, was in the center of the stage, rearranging a scene with the soubrette and the heavy comic.   [Please select]


Puzzling over the strange adventures they had recently encountered the lads proceeded to their hotel, where they spent some time in freshening both themselves and their uniforms and in rearranging their baggage.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

rearranges - rearranging - rearrest