The tip of the proboscis is armed with a complicated series of chitinous teeth and rasps, by means of which the fly is enabled to pierce the skin of its victim; as usual in Diptera the organ is closed on the upper side by the labrum, or upper lip, and contains the hypopharynx or common outlet of the paired salivary glands, which are situated in the abdomen. [Please select]
Any neglect of it, any indifference about it rasps me, plays upon the raw nerve each one of us possesses. [Please select]
Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a tale which their brokensnouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour. [Please select]
(The disc rasps gratingly against the needle) THE THREE WHORES: (Covering their ears, squawk) Ahhkkk. [Please select]
When in a less scornful mood, he is at least supremely indifferent, deigning to regard you with but the corner of an eye, while he rasps a nut or chips a cone. [Please select]
Meeting everywhere faces that he knew as friends, the savage grated his teeth together like rasps of iron, and swallowed his passion for want of a victim on whom to vent it. [Please select]
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