Sentence example with the word 'quadroons'


Last update: August 24, 2015


The Spanish and African cross is to be seen in the mulattoes, quadroons and octoroons that inhabit the warm coast cities.   [Please select]


Johnson (_The Negro in the New World_) conjectures the pure blacks at about 2,720,000 and the mulattoes and quadroons at about 5,600,000.   [Please select]


At the opposite end of the social scale were the quadroons--the demimonde of this little capital--and the negro slaves.   [Please select]


[157] The United States census returns do not attempt to discriminate between mulattoes, quadroons, and octoroons; all are reckoned as coloured; and no doubt a certain number of quadroons and octoroons pass as white.   [Please select]

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quadroon - quadroons - quadrumanous