Sentence example with the word 'prominences'


Last update: September 17, 2015


,u aaros, breast, 6Sous, tooth), a name given by Cuvier to the Pliocene and Miocene forerunners of the elephants, on account of the nipple-like prominences on the molar teeth of some of the species (fig.   [Please select]


Its surface is most curiously ornamented with rows of bead-like prominences.   [Please select]


The two prominences are separated by a depression, from which the biceps emerges.   [Please select]


2 _b_), the capitulum presents two small prominences, which are important as indicating the position of the homologous, ear-like appendages in _C.   [Please select]


_--On each side there are two slight prominences; one under the mandibles, the other transverse nearer to the adductor muscle.   [Please select]


13, 14), have their edges either straight and square, or notched, or more commonly with two or three prominences bearing tufts of finer spines.   [Please select]


Maxillæ widely notched, with the inferior part forming two obscure prominences.   [Please select]


In this event the polyp retracts its tentacles until they become mere prominences on its disk, and shrinks greatly in size.   [Please select]


All the prominences in the materials employed are turned towards the outside, so that the interior of the room may be smooth and the birds may not catch their plumage in it.   [Please select]


There are two occludent margins, meeting each other at right angles, and forming a prominence, as in Lepas; and this gives to the margin of the valve the five prominences.   [Please select]

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prominence - prominences - prominent