Sentence example with the word 'praetorians'


Last update: July 12, 2015


It was said that the terms of resignation had actually been agreed upon with Primus, one of Vespasian's chief supporters, but the praetorians refused to allow him to carry out the agreement, and forced him to return to the palace, when he was on his way to deposit the insignia of empire in the temple of Concord.   [Please select]


I cannot call you my bodyguard, for this would excite the jealousy of the Praetorians.   [Please select]


Beric and Boduoc stepped back to the door by which they had entered, and awaited the onset of the Praetorians.   [Please select]


Then Nero called upon the Praetorians, and the Britons ran in to the aid of their chief, and, defeating the Praetorians, escaped.   [Please select]


The praetorians had to form a cordon in front of the gate, and the street became choked by the impeded traffic.   [Please select]


A hint conveyed itself that she could summon the praetorians if he did not answer swiftly.   [Please select]


Why didn't she summon the praetorians and hand you over to them.   [Please select]


But the Emperors of the second and third centuries were Barrack-Emperors, professional soldiers, who existed by the grace of their body-guards, the so-called Praetorians.   [Please select]


The whole of the Praetorians are under arms, but the terror and confusion is so great and spread over so wide a space that it is well nigh impossible to preserve order.   [Please select]

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praetorian - praetorians - praetors