Sentence example with the word 'postmasters'


Last update: October 12, 2015


While he was criticized by the friends of Civil Service Reform for not going far enough during his presidency to protect the encroachments of those who desire to have the offices distributed as political rewards or for partisan ends, such specific acts as his transference to the classified service of all fourth-class postmasters east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio rivers, his insistence upon a thorough investigation of the scandals in the Post Office department, and his order forbidding federal employes to use their offices for political purposes in the campaign of 1908 are typical of his vigorous support of the merit system.   [Please select]


This refers to the custom-house officers, excise officers, stamp distributors and postmasters.   [Please select]


"After each announcement," writes the young cousin, "a group of Roosevelt men would cry out, 'All postmasters attend."'   [Please select]


These marshals, deputies, postmasters, district attorneys, and customhouse officials were in close touch with Washington and frequently dictated nominations and platforms.   [Please select]


These deputy marshals, "storekeepers and gaugers," and petty postmasters attempted to keep up a local organization.   [Please select]


* This does not include deputy postmasters, who numbered about 8000 and were not placed in the presidential list until 1836.   [Please select]


Rural postmasters everywhere reported a great increase in their mails after the establishment of a Grange in the vicinity.   [Please select]


Postmasters on their own motion examined the mails and refused to deliver any matter that they deemed incendiary.   [Please select]


For example, within three years there have been three Secretaries of State, three of War, three of the Treasury, three of the Navy, three Attorneys-General, and three Postmasters-General.   [Please select]


Moreover, the postmasters knew that we were coming, which astonished me until we discovered that they had been warned of our arrival by two King's messengers who travelled ahead of us.   [Please select]

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postmaster - postmasters - postmastership