Sentence example with the word 'placid'


affliction, cloistered, disease, exasperation, irenic, peaceable, poised, restful, serene, stoic, unperturbed

Definition adj. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves

Last update: July 6, 2017


A placid behaviour is a basic factor of progress.   [adjective]


But why does a normally placid pet dog develop aggressive behavior?   [adjective]


The Shire is a strong character with a placid nature.   [adjective]


I look back, and those placid years melt into each other like one long summer.   [adjective]


The opposite field, once the scene of slaughter and conflict, now lay as placid and quiet as the surface of a summer lake.   [adjective]


How still and sweet the summer air seemed in that sunset hour; how placid the light ripple of the incoming tide; how soothing even the silence of the city.   [adjective]


The water, usually so placid, rose in high waves, and the beacon on the lighthouse of Sastratus sent the rent abundance of its flames with hostile impetuosity towards the city.   [adjective]


Morton had an internal fund of placid and quiet gaiety, which seldom failed to enliven any small party in which he found himself pleasantly seated.   [adjective]

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places - placid - placidities