He uttered his short, weighty, and pointed sentences with a power of voice, and a justness and energy of emphasis, of which the effect was rather increased than diminished by the rollings of his huge form, and by the asthmatic gaspings and puffings in which the peals of his eloquence generally ended. [Please select]
But you do not understand any of the peals. [Please select]
And I grieve to add that peals of laughter greeted Mr. [Please select]
This remark, made simultaneously, was followed by prolonged peals of laughter. [Please select]
Then he began to laugh, high-pitched laughter, in little short peals. [Please select]
It was overspread with dark, threatening clouds, from which issued rumbling peals of thunder and arrowy lines of lightning. [Please select]
When she left the room, I suppose she was unable to explain the peals of laughter that rang through our circumscribed halls. [Please select]
If you heard peals of laughter resounding from some unknown region, you might be sure enough of the cause. [Please select]
Marcus Clarke wrote of the Laughing Jackasses as bursting into "horrible peals of semi-human laughter." [Please select]
For answer to that Kagig turned his head and stared sharply at me--then went off into peals of diabolic laughter. [Please select]
Koyala's laughter rang out merrily in delicious peals that started the rain-birds and the gapers to vain emulation. [Please select]
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