Sentence example with the word 'pandemonium'


Big Rock- Never-Never-land, jahannan, nether world, utopia, cesspit, den, flap, hell, outcry, rumpus, turbulence

Definition n. a state of extreme confusion and disorder

Last update: August 24, 2015


There was a pandemonium in new YorkExchange market during Great depression.   [noun]


By 10am, a state of organized pandemonium had crept in.   [noun]


Keith thought long, then came up with perfection: All-out pandemonium based on demented harassment of anything that moves.   [noun]


When DIE WEBER[4] first saw the light, pandemonium broke out in the land of thinkers and poets.   [noun]


Something very akin to pandemonium takes place; it is amusing, no doubt, but it is not comfortable.   [noun]


According to whim, the masters of the world, because they were masters, carried their worship and offerings indifferently from altar to altar, delighted in the pandemonium they had erected.   [noun]


She is a hoary pandemonium of ills, enlarged glands, mumps, quinsy, bunions, hayfever, bedsores, ringworm, floating kidney, Derbyshire neck, warts, bilious attacks, gallstones, cold feet, varicose veins.   [noun]


He remained nailed to the spot, petrified, stupid, asking himself, athwart confused and inexpressible anguish, what this sepulchral persecution signified, and whence had come that pandemonium which was pursuing him.   [noun]


Book X records the divine judgment upon Adam and Eve; shows the construction by Sin and Death of a highway through chaos to the earth, and Satan's return to Pandemonium.   [noun]


The book closes with a description of the land of fire and endless pain where the fallen spirits abide, and the erection of Pandemonium, the palace of Satan.   [noun]


"Heeven an' pandemonium brought thegither."'   [Please select]

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