Sentence example with the word 'palliated'


Last update: July 21, 2015


The defects of all sentimental writing are noticeable in him, but they are palliated by his wonderful feeling, and by the passionate sincerity even of his insincere passages.   [Please select]


Luckily for Caesar the letter which he brought was considered satisfactory, and this palliated his fault in losing the horse.   [Please select]


That another contemplated no worse a deed than he had contemplated in no way palliated the hideousness of the other's offense.   [Please select]


Saul, perceiving that he had sinned, confessed his transgression, but palliated it by saying that he feared the people.   [Please select]


What Froude says is, "A practice which by the law was always forbidden could be palliated only by a danger so great that the nation had become like an army in the field."   [Please select]


Parasyte had provoked them to such a degree that the misdemeanor was palliated, if not excused, and it was deemed best to say nothing about it.   [Please select]

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palliate - palliated - palliates