Sentence example with the word 'overweigh'


Last update: July 22, 2015


Gneisenau at this crisis in the affairs of the allies does not appear to have subordinated everything to co-operation at all cost with Wellington, and he allowed supply considerations and the re-establishment of his communications to overweigh the paramount necessity of arranging concerted action with his ally.   [Please select]


"Poynter," boomed the Baron formally, "in January I shall be overweighted with diplomatic duties at Palm Beach."   [Please select]


He was not very well, and was evidently overweighted by the business connected with the diamond mines.   [Please select]


He is all too conscious a "maker" and must pay for his originality by what in the end is really painful and overweighted work.   [Please select]


Despite the deadly danger Dick felt a certain relief that he did not have to run any more--there comes a time when a moment's physical rest will overweigh any amount of mortal peril.   [Please select]

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overweening - overweigh - overweighed