Sentence example with the word 'overlain'


Last update: June 7, 2015


The bony plates are overlain by horny scales.   [Please select]


The soil consists of a rich black humus that is soft and mellow except during the period of greatest dryness, being overlain by a varying depth of vegetable debris and leaf-mold.   [Please select]


The Republican Party was grown fat with four and twenty years of power, and the fat had overlain and smothered its noble aims.   [Please select]


Pleistocene deposits in the Big Blue Basin in Kansas consist of alluvium, glacial till, and glacial outwash from the Kansan glacial stage, overlain by loess deposits of Wisconsin and Recent stages (Frye and Leonard, 1952: pl.)   [Please select]


_--Size large (see measurements); color brown overlain with cinnamon; nasals expanded distally with premaxillary borders concave laterally; posterior border of orbit inclined posterolaterally; preorbital region and interparietal region depressed; incisive foramina narrow; zygomatic arches parallel; tympanic bullae much inflated.   [Please select]

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overlaid - overlain - overland