Sanskrit is my optional subject in the graduation. [Please select]
The hospices and hpitaux and Guadeloupe the bureaux de bienfaisance, the founda- Martinique tion of which is optional for the commune, St Pierre and Miquel are managed by committees consisting of the mayor of the municipality and six Total in Am members, two elected by the municipal council and four nominated by the prefect. [Please select]
(Optional) Find out some other uses of color to an animal aside from protection. [Please select]
Which of these forms of locomotion are optional with the animal. [Please select]
"Yes, it is optional, but I do, not believe it should be." [Please select]
Such service should be voluntary by the individual and optional with the State. [Please select]
The course at the _Collegium Philosophicum_ was made optional. [Please select]
Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!