Sentence example with the word 'oneness'


accord, charity, concordance, distinctiveness, frictionlessness, indivisibility, nominalism, rapprochement, smacker, team spirit, unsophistication

Definition n. the quality of being united into one

Last update: September 11, 2015


They felt a sense of oneness with nature.   [Please select]


She only felt now her oneness with her husband, and that to-night their unity was to be made more perfect.   [Please select]


” After all his insistence upon the oneness of God, he wavered.   [Please select]


His heart was pure and his oneness with the natural world was complete.   [Please select]


I remember that the woodenness of it all depressed us wonderfully; the oneness of dish and food baffled all make-believe.   [Please select]


Its oneness comes to him as the _sum_ of these infinities.   [Please select]


The question is '_how_ the diversity can exist in harmony with the oneness.'   [Please select]


And this Big Idea that so focused the individual rays of our nation against German imperialism was nothing more or less than _the idea of the oneness of all humanity.   [Please select]


But the darned fool, Captain Charlie, went into the cold and the wet and the danger because he and Private John were comrades in the oneness of the Big Idea.   [Please select]

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oncoming - oneness - onerous