Sentence example with the word 'ogress'


Definition .

Last update: September 16, 2015


The ogress of negotla commission held its first meeting on the 31st of January 1907, and did not complete its labours until the 25th of March 1908.   [Please select]


When he had gone, the Ogress looked over the children, and picked out the widow's daughter, saying: "You look the most good-humoured."   [Please select]


When the Ogress came back from the cellar she went up to her and looked at her work.   [Please select]


The Ogress scratched her big ear thoughtfully for a minute, and then she said: "To lose a chance is to cheat oneself."   [Please select]


"Then she must go back to the cellar for a bit," said the Ogress.   [Please select]


"But she must stir the stew with her forefinger first," said the Ogress, "that it may have a human flavour."   [Please select]


Guided by the needles, they arrived just as the Ogress was sharpening the big knife for the last time.   [Please select]

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ogres - ogress - ogresses