Sentence example with the word 'offertory'


alleluia, cantata, dole, hallelujah, hymn of praise, introit, offering, prosodion, responsory, subscription, whole offering

Definition n. the offerings of the congregation at a religious service

Last update: June 18, 2015


Near this domestic quarter was found a small shrine of the Double Axes, with cult objects and offertory vessels in their places.   [Please select]


Sometimes she stopped in the shade of pepper, eucalyptus, or palm, where the larks were specializing in their age-old offertory.   [Please select]


There is no music during the offertory in these churches, and this, too, pleases my sense of the fitness of things.   [Please select]


It would be like putting bad money into the offertory to put me into that holy work.   [Please select]


He watched the offertory after the sermon, and only too often as he stood waiting, before raising it before the altar, he wondered if the people felt that they had received their money's worth.   [Please select]

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offertories - offertory - offhand