Sentence example with the word 'obligate'


accept obligation, answer for, be responsible for, bind, compel, contract, force, have an understanding, make incumbent, pledge, saddle with, take the vows, undertake

Definition adj. restricted to a particular condition of life

Last update: July 15, 2015


These forms are termed by Fischer Metatrophic, because they require various kinds of organic materials obtained from the dead remains of other organisms or from the surfaces of their bodies, and can utilize and decompose them in various ways (Polytrophic) or, if monotrophic, are at least unable to work them up. The true parasites - obligate parasites of de Bary - are placed by Fischer in a third biological group, Paratrophic bacteria, to mark the importance of their mode of life in the interior of living organisms where they live and multiply in the blood, juices or tissues.   [Please select]


You will not be obligated in any way by authorizing me to act as your agent--I'm getting my fee from Mrs.'   [Please select]


Any fool has a right to get killed, but not to obligate his government.   [Please select]


"I'm obligated for the words of praise about my daughter, Miss."'   [Please select]


I'd like to know who it is that I'm so much obligated to.'   [Please select]


Should significant new information or factors not considered in this opinion arise, however, either we or NPS are obligated to reinitiate consultation.   [Please select]


"Why, then, I guess, I'd have to kick you in public till you were obligated to fight."   [Please select]

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oblations - obligate - obligated