Definitionn. writing paper intended for writing short notes or letters
Last update: October 4, 2015
It was on plain white notepaper, lined and firmly creased, written somewhat shakily with an ink pen, in the dainty script of a woman. [Please select]
"First, notepaperdo you hear." [Please select]
Take out sheet notepaper, envelope: unconcerned. [Please select]
Chetwinde," she said, suddenly bending over the notepaper, "and tell her we'll come, and I'll sing. [Please select]
It was not sealed, and he took out the plain sheet of notepaper on which was written: CABLEGRAM WlNKELRIED, VIENNA. [Please select]
McPhee invited me to dinner at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the notepaper was almost bridal in its scented creaminess.' [Please select]
Jarrods Limited, and was engaged in selling hams and petticoats and notepaper and furniture and butter and--remark this--and fish. [Please select]
There is plenty of time, my dear, and you will find notepaper and everything you require in the escritoire in the study. [Please select]
He held meanwhile a bit of notepaper the size of his hand, and scrutinized it carefully from time to time. [Please select]
When the bell rang the girls did not immediately leave their desks as usual, but sat still while Miss Douglas distributed to each a half sheet of notepaper and an envelope. [Please select]
Very quickly she abstracted nineteen envelopes and ten sheets of notepaper, and fled with her spoil to her own classroom. [Please select]
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