Sentence example with the word 'noisier'


Last update: August 28, 2015


A "plump" of ducks rose at the same time and took the route to the north in the wake of their noisier cousins.   [Please select]


At this season of the year they are noisier than usual, which is saying a great deal.   [Please select]


Baby crows are noisy creatures; koels are quiet and timid at first, but become noisier as they grow older.   [Please select]


Not one was larger than the other; but each was more quarrelsome, bolder, more mischievous and noisier than the rest.   [Please select]


[367-10] This sentence means _they are noisier than the tempest and the commands of our officers_.   [Please select]


Don't you suppose the martyr's silence is noisier than a shriek of pain from the house-tops.   [Please select]


At that moment there came a still louder, noisier clamour of voices from the villagers.   [Please select]


Maud suppressed a shudder whenever she encountered any evidence of it, and as a result he was always noisier and coarser in his demonstrations before her face of white disgust.   [Please select]


The times are perplexing; life grows noisier, and stranger and more complex and more violent every day around us--and the old require repose, Louis.   [Please select]

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noisettes - noisier - noisiest