Sentence example with the word 'neeps'


Last update: September 10, 2015


Think of our back garden, with our own 'neeps' and vegetable marrows growing in it.'   [Please select]


There's ain that took me awfu'; it's for peelin' the neeps tae mak them tasty for the cattle beasts.   [Please select]


"Weel, there's nae mistak aboot yir neeps, at ony rate; ye canna see a dreel noo."   [Please select]


"A' wudna say but there micht be a scowie afore nicht; it 'ill freshen the neeps fine."   [Please select]


Man, Drumsheugh, ye micht wile him aff tae the saut water atween the neeps and the hairst.   [Please select]


I was impressing Miss Diggity-Dalgety,--I could see that clearly; but Francesca spoiled the effect by inquiring, maliciously, if we could sometimes have a howtowdy wi' drappit eggs, or her favorite dish, wee grumphie wi' neeps.   [Please select]


I was impressing Miss Diggity-Dalgety,--I could see that clearly; but Francesca spoiled the effect by inquiring, maliciously, if we could sometimes have a howtowdy wi' drappit eggs, or her favourite dish, wee grumphie wi' neeps.   [Please select]

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needy - neeps - nefarious