Sentence example with the word 'mysticism'


afflatus, anthroposophy, cabalism, divine revelation, esoterics, hocus-pocus, mystery, occultism, symbolics, theophany, yoga

Definition n. a religion based on mystical communion with an ultimate reality

Last update: July 15, 2015


But he made a system of his own by combining the teaching of his master with parts of the doctrines of others, and with mysticism imbibed from the great teacher Ghazali.   [Please select]


In the soul of each was the same mysticism, the same imaginative quality, the same spiritual eye always looking into the future.   [Please select]


Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 1463-1494, published 900 theses at Rome in defence of Platonic mysticism.   [Please select]


He has abandoned himself altogether to this mysticism" (Pierre could not tolerate mysticism in anyone now)."   [Please select]


The dead vision of the North had left in their spirits a residuum of its mysticism.   [Please select]


Beneath the rule of this dirty mysticism, indolence and scoundrelism mismanaged the war.   [Please select]


But the mediaeval notion of _sin_--a term heavy with mysticism and deserving of careful scrutiny by every thoughtful person--still confuses us.   [Please select]


But we must, after all, come to terms in some way with the emotions underlying mysticism.   [Please select]


Sartor Resartus was scarcely understood by any one, and though his wife saw that it was a work of genius, it seemed to most people unintelligible mysticism.   [Please select]


He made a special study of Dante, whose mysticism appealed to his somewhat dreamy nature, and to the religious instinct that always lived in him, in spite of his dislike for creeds and churches.   [Please select]

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