The Mullidae, or red mullets, are largely represented by genera differing from those of Europe. [Please select]
She was boiling mullets over a few red coals in the huge fireplace. [Please select]
Madame Antoine had cooked little else than the mullets, but while Edna slept Robert had foraged the island. [Please select]
They caught many fish like those of Castile--dace, salmon, hake, dory, gilt heads, mullets, _corbinas_, shrimps,[175-1] and they saw sardines. [Please select]
The first of these orders includes the Sticklebacks, the Perches, the Mullets, the Gurnards, the Mackerel and the Sword-fish besides others. [Please select]
In Florida I many times saw large schools of mullets fretting and breaking the surface of the water with what seemed to be the tips of their tails. [Please select]
--Yellept haranged his village in our favour intreated them to furnish us with fuel and provision and set the example himself by bringing us an armfull of wood and a platter of 3 roasted mullets. [Please select]
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