Sentence example with the word 'minutia'


Definition n. a small or minor detail

Last update: June 13, 2015


Dean spent most of the evening flipping through TV channels, but as none of the inane programs held even minimal interĀ­est, he took out his voice recorder and began summarizing his notes for the detailed report on Jeffrey Byrne, adding as much minutia as he could muster, as Cynthia Byrne had requested.   [noun]


Millions of pieces of minutia per life, for billions of lives.   [noun]


All detailed thoughts, all the minutia of the mind were swept away.   [Please select]


His desk is clear of all litter and minutia--_likewise his mind_.   [Please select]


His life and his biographer's pen might fail to give interest to such devices, but the plea is now for "realism," which most writers take to mean microscopical examination of minutia.   [Please select]


The honour of serving her obliterated a thousand inconveniences--the monotony of a court existence, the fatigue of standing, the necessity for a superhuman attentiveness to the minutia: of time and space.   [Please select]

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minutest - minutia - minutiae