Sweet, minty and warm, it was comforting at a time when she felt rattled. [Please select]
] He did not even look up when his sister Minty came up the hill toward him. [Please select]
He knew it was Minty, because she was hop-skipping and humming, and he knew that Aunt Kittredge had sent her to Mrs. [Please select]
Minty continued her hop-skipping; she went to and fro before the dejected figure on the wall. [Please select]
Minty stopped, breathless, and the joy faded out of her face. [Please select]
Jason had his troubles--Minty well knew what they were--but he bore them manfully. [Please select]
"I shouldn't think Aunt Kittredge would want to," said Minty reflectively. [Please select]
After all, Priscilla is only a turkey," said Minty, attempting to be cheerful." [Please select]
In the United States:-- Inty, minty, tippity, fig, Dinah, donah, norma, nig, Oats, floats, country notes; Dinah, donah, tiz, Hulla-ballop-bulloo, Out goes you. [Please select]
Priscilla, the big white hen turkey, deserved a better fate than to be eaten on Thanksgiving Day, and Minty and Jason contrived to save her. [Please select]
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