always, at every turn, at regular intervals, at stated times, constantly, continually, every so often, harmoniously, intermittently, invariably, like clockwork, never otherwise, orderly, punctually, regularly, steadily, systematically, uniformly, without exception
Definitionadv. in a methodical manner
Last update: August 13, 2015
He worked hard and methodically, often had several pieces of work in hand, and kept a daily record of the time which he devoted to each of them. [Please select]
I us'd to write more methodically. [Please select]
His papers had been overhauled methodically. [Please select]
Very methodically he commenced to search through M. [Please select]
Nothing, possibly, has more infuriated the old lady at the methodically performing wheel than this. [Please select]
The Bibles were not neglected, the daily prayers and weekly sermons were methodically attended. [Please select]
The armed brethren, too, kept watch, and reliev'd as methodically as in any garrison town. [Please select]
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