Sentence example with the word 'meshed'


barred, crossbarred, grated, laced, lacy, meshy, netlike, netty, reticular, reticulated, streaked

Definition adj. resembling a network

Last update: July 11, 2015


(C. Mi.) Nishapur, a province of Persia, situated between Meshed and Sabzevar, in northern Khorasan.   [Please select]


But wait a little, and the fine-meshed tissues will appear with perfect distinctness.   [Please select]


Through its loose-meshed stuff, it seizes one by one the droppings hanging from the scaffold and inlays them firmly in the tissue.   [Please select]


Other Spiders are unacquainted with wide-meshed nets and weave satins wherein the threads, crossing at random, form a continuous substance.   [Please select]


On the other hand, in the coloured portions, we see little polygonal, granular masses, forming a close-meshed network.   [Please select]


But no sooner had he fairly entered these thickets than he found his further progress barred by the steel-meshed fence.   [Please select]


When a large fish is meshed in a gill-net, the floats by their agitation advertise the fact.   [Please select]

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mesh - meshed - meshes