Sentence example with the word 'memorandums'


Last update: August 6, 2015


For the text of the despatch and memorandums going into details see the Blue Book (Cd.   [Please select]


"That contains nothing but a few of my father's notices and memorandums," said Nebenchari, drawing a deep breath of relief.   [Please select]


It appeared partly to note down daily expenses, but on alternate pages there were occasional memorandums.   [Please select]


Drummond had only made memorandums, perhaps with no resolution to publish them, he may stand acquitted of part of this charge.   [Please select]


'You shall, sir, without reserve,' said Edward, throwing his pocket-book and memorandums upon the table; 'there is but one with which I could wish you would dispense.'   [Please select]


The laboring classes were talking of generals and war, showing each other their little military memorandums, announcing the date of their departure as soon as the order of mobilization should be published.   [Please select]

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memorandum - memorandums - memorial