Sentence example with the word 'melange'


all sorts, broad spectrum, hash, hotchpotch, mash, mingle-mangle, mix, olio, pasticcio, potpourri, sauce, what you will

Definition n. a motley assortment of things

Last update: January 31, 2017


India is a melange of different cultures..   [Please select]


Is it all one mad, joyous melange of high-brow conversation discreetly peppered with low-brow revelry.   [Please select]


Here he kept a retinue of Kaffirs, who were literally his slaves; and hence he would sally, with enormous diamonds in his shirt and on his finger, in the convoy of a prize-fighter of heinous repute, who was not, however, by any means the worst element in the Rosenthall melange.   [Please select]

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melancholy - melange - melanin