Sentence example with the word 'matricide'


aborticide, fratricide, fungicide, genocide, germicide, herbicide, homicide, infanticide, insecticide, microbicide, parricide, patricide, pesticide, regicide, rodenticide, sororicide, suicide, uxoricide, vermicide

Last update: September 13, 2015


Subsequently Areas, when hunting, chanced to pursue his mother Callisto, who had been transformed into a bear, as far as the temple of Lycaean Zeus; to prevent the crime of matricide Zeus transported them both to the heavens (Ovid, Metam.   [Please select]


But other persons, hidden behind piles of stones and the corners of temples, shouted: "Matricide."   [Please select]


After a while his breast rose, his ribs were visible, and he cried: "Matricide."   [Please select]


This has the incident of the "accidental matricide," on which see Prof.   [Please select]


"This last I will believe; for then it will seem to be something beyond yourself--centuries of predisposition, the long stain of the indelible--that drove you to those acts of matricide."   [Please select]

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matricidal - matricide - matriculate