Sentence example with the word 'masticating'


Last update: June 9, 2015


"David," Cynthia said, stretching out the name as she saw him masticating longer than was necessary for normal digestion.   [Please select]


The relish which we get for our food by masticating it properly is greater and also helps toward digesting it truly.   [Please select]


She ate slowly, masticating each morsel as the nurse told Mickey she should.   [Please select]


Holt was almost exclusively occupied in slowly masticating the special dishes which the butler impressively laid before him.   [Please select]


Some horses have a trick of bolting their food without masticating it properly, especially if another is being fed in their company.   [Please select]


How the shambling camels, tame to the plaudits of their fame, With listless eyes came silent, masticating as they came.   [Please select]


Trapes, stopping abruptly in the act of masticating a large chocolate walnut, "so bad as that, Mr."   [Please select]


The method eventually adopted consisted in "breaking down," "milling," or "masticating" the rubber by passing it continuously between differentially geared steam-heated rollers.   [Please select]


The dog when wild hunts its prey; and, having caught, proceeds to feast upon the flesh, which it tears off; this, being soft, does not severely tax the masticating members.   [Please select]


] Several naturalists have amused themselves by performing experiments and making calculations on the efficiency of the masticating and digesting powers of the caterpillar.   [Please select]

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masticates - masticating - mastication