Sentence example with the word 'marvelling'


Last update: June 12, 2015


More and more strangely and fiercely glad and approving, grew the countenance of the old man at every shout; while the mariners began to gaze curiously at each other, as if marvelling how it was that they themselves became so excited at such seemingly purposeless questions.   [Please select]


Sometimes she found herself absorbed in a kind of angry marvelling at the strength of the old moral commonplaces.   [Please select]


Ravenslee dutifully paid, marvelling that so much might be bought for so little.   [Please select]


She did not resist, marvelling rather at his own steadiness, nor did she then resent a tenderness in his voice.   [Please select]


He stood looking down at her, stroking his goatee, and marvelling at the ways of woman.   [Please select]


Marvelling, the king asked, 'Damsel, for what cause are ye girded with that sword.'   [Please select]


Men made way for them marvelling, and together Lancelot and his captive rode up the hall to the king.   [Please select]

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marvelled - marvelling - marvellous