Sentence example with the word 'margins'


Last update: October 18, 2015


The more extreme climates of arid regions on the margins of the tropics, by the unpredictable succession of droughts and floods, confound the prevision of uninstructed people, and make prudence and industry qualities too uncertain in their results to be worth cultivating.   [Please select]


There are many of his notes in the margins.   [Please select]


--between the medialmost margins of the prominent fenestrae in the posterodorsal parts of the squamosal bones.   [Please select]


Thousands of people, big and little, sanctimonious and highly respectable, put up their margins and reap their profits or their losses.   [Please select]


Although the whole length of the tooth-bearing margins is missing, some parts of six elements of the right mandible can be seen.   [Please select]


The centre works in one way while the margins work in another, and presently overpower the centre and are central themselves.   [Please select]


_Submerged-sedge habitat:_ Sedges in general do not occur as a definite belt about the margins of the lakes in the region studied.   [Please select]


_Willow-thicket habitat:_ Willows do not occur commonly along the water margins of the lakes of the region.   [Please select]


Observations indicate that _Tretanorhinus nigroluteus lateralis_ inhabits the margins of ponds and streams and actually spends considerable time in the water.   [Please select]


She packed the drawings in a portfolio--having signed her own and Nicky's name on the margins--and sent them to Captain Drayton with a letter.   [Please select]

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margining - margins - margravate