Sentence example with the word 'mango'


Definition n. large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit

Last update: October 25, 2015


Mango is the king of fruits.   [Please select]


Another group of islands consists of elevated masses of submarine volcanic deposits, upon some of which coral-reef limestone forms a more or less complete covering; such are Tonumeia and the Nomuka group (Mango, Tonua, Nomuka-iki).   [Please select]


And thereafter in that fruitful land the broadleaved mango flourished exceedingly.   [Please select]


It was a bright, clear morning when we hoisted the snow-white sails of the pirate schooner and left the shores of Mango.   [Please select]


Many a young plantation of orange, mango, and lemon trees has been destroyed by them.   [Please select]


A species of very small mango from one and one-half to five centimeters in its longer diameter.   [Please select]


I saw a pair building in the hole of a large mango tree at Malpur in Pimpalnir in the end of May.   [Please select]


Twice only I have found them in dense mango-trees at about thirty feet from the ground.   [Please select]


It was situated in a slender fork of a mango-tree about 15 feet from the ground.   [Please select]


Most of these people had very little food, except the fruit then ripe on the mango-trees, and so had to be fed by our Army and by the Red Cross Society.   [Please select]


Theresa, the _ama_, stands before us on the terrace under the mango trees, and we, her _yáyázinhas_ and _yóyózinhos_, know that the story hour has come.   [Please select]

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mangling - mango - mangoes