Sentence example with the word 'luminance'


Definition n. the quality of being luminous

Last update: October 3, 2015


The silhouette disappeared, and, shortly afterwards, the gray luminance.   [Please select]


Cartel seated at his music within a radius of yellow light shed by four candles, while, beside him, a tall thin boy, and, behind him, Jacqueline seemed enclosed in a secondary, fainter circle of luminance.   [Please select]


Against the first vivid brightness of it the lines of trees along the roads to Hooge were silhouetted as black as ink, and the fields between Ypres and the trenches were flooded with a milky luminance.   [Please select]


In the night sky lights rose in long, spreading bars of ruddy luminance, in single flashes, in sudden torches of scarlet flame rising to the clouds and touching them with rosy feathers.   [Please select]

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lumina - luminance - luminaries